Wichita State University

숙소 위치 유형 장학금 지급 학생 모집 CLA(조건부 입학 허가서) 제공
Available for Undergraduate and Graduate Urban Yes 14600 (Total) Yes
제공되는 학위 공립/사립 기관 유형 학생 단체
Bachelor Public Baccalaureate College Co-educational

연간 비용 / ELS 레벨

Living Expenses
학위 수업료 Fees 숙소 ** 식사 OtherExpenses I 20/Visa* (Total Required Funds) ELS
Bachelor $$ $ $$ $ $$$ 112
 I-20/Visa costs include Tuition, Housing, Meals and all other fees in USD
Housing cost may include meals and other expenses to equal Living Expenses


The University is located in Wichita, Kansas. The metropolitan population is approximately 500,000 - makinag Wichita the most populous city in Kansas. The city is very safe and welcoming of international students. The campus is located about 15 minutes from downtown and about 20 minutes from the airport. Wichita has one of the lowest cost-of-living indexes in the U.S. The city has the distinction of being named an All-American City three times.


Two residence halls are available for undergraduate students, and one apartment complex available for both undergraduate and graduate students.

Student life

There are more than 119 campus organizations available for students. There are several International Student Associations as well. More than 1,400 international students are on campus (about 10% of the student body). International students come from 110 countries.