English Courses and Outdoor Excitement with ELS/Grand Rapids and Grand Valley State University

November 17, 2015

ELS/Grand Rapids is located on the Allendale campus of Grand Valley State University. With beaches and boating, hiking and biking, ice-skating, skiing and snowboarding nearby, the area is rich with outdoor fun!

Nearby Grand Rapids is the second-largest city in the state of Michigan. Allendale is located within 20 minutes of Lake Michigan and two hours from Chicago.

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ELS/Grand Rapids offers the following ELS programs:

  • English for Academic Purposes provides a pathway to admission to a college or university outside of your home country by improving your language and academic skills.
  • Semi-Intensive English provides you with a chance to learn English while still having time to visit local cities and attractions. You will take classes in the morning and have afternoons free to explore and use your improving English.
  • The American Explorer Program is perfect for a short vacation that includes some English classes.

GRR_SnowtubingStudents looking to continue on to University will have the added benefit of studying on the campus of Grand Valley State University (GVSU), a four-year public university enrolling more than 25,000 students, including over 400 international students from more than 80 countries.

The focus on academic excellence is evident at Grand Valley. Due to small class sizes and unique faculty-undergraduate student research opportunities, professors get to know students on an individual basis. Professors, not graduate students or teaching assistants, teach at all levels.


With over 350 student groups, clubs and organizations, the outstanding student life program at Grand Valley State University offers many ways to get involved and meet new people. Grand Rapids offers students the opportunity to enjoy shopping, dining, museums, and sporting events making it an ideal location to welcome students from all over the world.

For more information please visit ELS.edu/GrandRapids and UniversityGuideOnline.org/GVSU.

Bertanda: News