Paris Junior College

Hospedagem Tipo de local Oferece bolsas de estudos Grupos de estudantes Oferece CLA (carta de admissão condicional)
Available for Undergraduate Suburban No 7266 (Total) Yes
Diplomas de curso superior oferecidos Público/Privado Tipo de instituição Corpo discente
Associate, Career/Undergraduate Certificate Public Associate College Co-educational

Custos anuais / Nível no ELS

Living Expenses
Grau Custo do curso Fees Hospedagem ** Refeições OtherExpenses I 20/Visa* (Total Required Funds) ELS
Associate $ $$ $$ $$ 109
Career/Undergraduate Certificate 109
 I-20/Visa costs include Tuition, Housing, Meals and all other fees in USD
Housing cost may include meals and other expenses to equal Living Expenses


Paris Junior College (PJC), established in 1924, is a state-supported two-year college offering programs of university parallel and programs for immediate occupational employment. The main campus is located in Paris, Texas with operational centers in Greenville and Sulphur Springs. International students may attend any PJC location. Paris, a city of approximately 30,000, is located about 176 kilometers northeast of Dallas, Texas. The environment is suburban with lots of open space.


  • Two dormitories housing 70 students each with lounge and recreation area
  • Air-conditioned, furnished, double occupancy dormitory rooms for both men and women
  • All single students who do not reside with a blood relative and who are less than 21 years of age must reside in the dormitory the first nine months of enrollment. Exceptions for veterans and married students.
  • All dormitory students must purchase meal tickets and take meals in the college cafeteria.

Student life

At Paris Junior College, there are varied extracurricular activities including intramural and varsity sports, student government, special-interest clubs, student publications, fine arts productions and educational groups. There is an International Student Advisor.