Eastern Connecticut State University

Angebotene Hauptstudiengänge
American History
Business Administration
Unterkunft Art des Standorts Bietet Stipendien Zahl der Studenten Bietet CLA (bedingtes Zulassungsschreiben)
Available for Undergraduate Suburban Yes 5550 (Total) Yes
Angebotene Abschlüsse Öffentlich/Privat Hochschultyp Studentenschaft Zahl der Studenten
Bachelor Public Baccalaureate College Co-educational 76 (International)

Jährliche Kosten / ELS-Level

Living Expenses
Grad Studiengebühr Fees Unterkunft ** Verpflegung OtherExpenses I 20/Visa* (Total Required Funds) ELS
Bachelor $$$ $$ $$ $ $$$$ 112
 I-20/Visa costs include Tuition, Housing, Meals and all other fees in USD
Housing cost may include meals and other expenses to equal Living Expenses


Located in historic New England, Eastern Connecticut State University is a selective institution with undergraduate liberal arts and science curriculums along with distinctive professional and master's programs. The campus enrolls 5,600 full-time undergraduate students and prides itself on small classes and a personalized university that strives to create a global community which is proud of its international reputation. Students from many countries find Eastern to be a friendly, safe place to live and learn. The educational and social climb can assist in developing the skills needed to succeed in the global marketplace. Eastern takes pride in its tradition of celebrating diversity and caring for its students as individuals. At Eastern, the faculty offers individualized attention to meet the special needs of international students. Average low temperature (winter): 17°F / -8°C Average high temperature (summer): 83°F / 28°C


The university's residence halls can accommodate a total of 1800 students. There is a wide variety of on-campus housing options including traditional dormitories and apartments. Freshman and sophomores may choose between co-ed residence halls, one women's residence hall and two suite-style halls. Seniors, juniors and sophomores may live in apartment complexes. Ninety percent of the undergraduate population lives on campus.

Student life

  • All students may participate in extracurricular activities including intramural and intercollegiate athletics, student government, a newspaper and a radio station. Musical and dramatic groups present concerts and plays, while clubs attract students of common interests.
  • 17 varsity sports and intramural sports programs
  • More than 70 student groups and clubs
  • Facilities include a gymnasium, indoor swimming pool, student center, computer center and library.