Clemson University

Principales Majeurs proposées
Business Administration
Computer Science
Environmental Engineering And Science
Hébergement Type de destination Propose des bourses Population estudiantine Remet la lettre d'admission conditionnelle (CLA)
Available for Undergraduate and Graduate Rural No 24951 (Total) Yes
Diplômes offerts Public / Privé Type dā€™établissement Corps étudiant Population estudiantine
Master, Doctorate Public Doctorate-Granting University Co-educational 1430 (International)

Coûts annuels / Niveau ELS

Living Expenses
Diplôme Frais de scolarité Fees Hébergement ** Repas OtherExpenses I 20/Visa* (Total Required Funds) ELS
Master $$$ $ $$$ $ $$$$ 112
Doctorate $$$ $ $$$ $ $$$$ 112
 I-20/Visa costs include Tuition, Housing, Meals and all other fees in USD
Housing cost may include meals and other expenses to equal Living Expenses


"U.S. News & World Report" ranks Clemson No. 24 among the nation's top public universities and No. 1 for ""Students who love their college"" by Princeton Review. The Carnegie Classification for Clemson University is Very High Research for a doctoral granting school. Founded in 1889, it remains the highest ranked public institution in South Carolina. Clemson is a science- and engineering-oriented research university with an enrollment of approximately 25,000 students representing 50 states and 100 foreign countries. Clemson is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). The 1,400-acre campus in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains is at the center of the dynamic I-85 corridor between Charlotte, NC and Atlanta, GA. Surrounding the campus are 18,000 acres (7,285 hectactre) of University farms and woodlands devoted to supporting our research interests. Average Temperatures Low (winter): 50°F/10°C High (summer): 82°F/28°C"

Student life

Clemson University has a rich student life with hundreds of students clubs, the highest quality athletics and multiple entertainment, arts and cultural events each year. Students come from nearly 100 countries, all 50 US states, and study with top faculty.